


Can we just have a moment right here to say that we are over the moon obsessed. One of our fave foods (peanut butter) combined with one of our fave nougat brands, Sally Williams makes for happy days indeed! The memory of taking a bite out of mom’s delicious peanut butter and jam sandwich or sneaking a teaspoon of peanut butter right out of the jar (we all do it, don’t we?) peanut butter is a taste that is so filled with childhood nostalgia and evokes the indulgent memories of delicious snack moments. It is this kind of reminiscing that inspired the Sally Williams team to their newest and most indulgent flavour yet; peanut butter. While making herself a piece of toast topped with peanut butter and syrup the Sally William’s concept chef, experienced this very sense of deja vu she bit into her lunchtime treat and was immediately transported…